Life Support

25 Those who love their life in this world will lose it.  Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.   26 Anyone who wants to be my disciple must follow me, because my servants must be where I am.   And the Father will honor anyone who serves me.  – John 12:25-26 (NLT) 


It’s just been a whirlwind the past few weeks.  It started when we met a man named Lawson at one of our frequent motel stops.  He was sitting out in front of the motel by himself.  I didn’t think much of it as we usually see folks out and about but as soon as we parked he came rushing up to us.  The first thing he said was that he didn’t want any money, he wanted to know what we do and if we had a pastor with us.  He explained that he, his wife, mother in-law, and brother in-law were visiting on vacation from Iowa when his wife became extremely ill and was placed on life support at Skaggs Hospital.  He had been sitting out front in prayer hoping that someone would come by and pray with him for his wife to recover.  He was on cloud 9 when he saw us pull in.  You could not tell that he had a wife near death as he was so excited that we had arrived and of course we told him we would gladly pray with him.  It was a good night for volunteers as there were about 15 of us that funneled into his room and prayed for his wife to be healed.  He was so excited and kept telling us his wife would never believe that a “Jesus” vanload of people showed up and prayed for her.  He was convinced that she would be healed and his faith never wavered.  I, of course, was not so sure, knowing in the back of my mind that only a very small percentage of people that go on life support ever make it off alive, I was hoping we weren’t setting him up for God to let him down as we never fully know God’s plan.  But I am of little faith and Lawson has the faith of a mustard seed.  The last information we had was that God did heal her and they headed back to Iowa.  I didn’t think much of it at the time but maybe we were an answer to his prayer.  
We’ve also had the opportunity to pick up a kid by the name of Zach each week so that he could deliver meals with us.  Zach is going into 7th grade and lives in one of the motels that we deliver to.  He decided that he wants to start “giving back” by delivering the food that we deliver to him.  He will be interesting to follow over the next few years as he is definitely at that cross roads point in his life.  It sure is awesome that we get to share God with him through service.  Who knows what seed might be planted in his life. 
We were also humbled and honored to be nominated for the Charity of the Year, with the awards banquet held on June 17th.  We were not able to attend the banquet due to it being on a Thursday night, which is our night to deliver meals.  We were however, blessed to be able to send Jack & Roxanne Walker and Big Mike in our place.  Jack & Roxanne have been both volunteers and donors with Jesus Was Homeless.  Big Mike is great friend and we met at our very first Thanksgiving Dinner.  He has gone from the receiving end to the volunteer end to the donor end.  He is one of my favorite people to be around.  His excitement and optimism is contagious.  We did not win as another very deserving charity, Christian Associates, garnered the award.  It was just an honor to be able to be recognized. 
This past week was so cool.  We had close to 40 volunteers and we all gathered around the Aunt Mollie’s garden to pray.  It’s so exciting to see so many diverse individuals come together to be the “hands & feet” of Jesus.  We would welcome you to “Come and See” anytime as well. 
16 Then you will not be criticized for doing something you believe is good. 17 For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. 18 If you serve Christ with this attitude, you will please God, and others will approve of you, too. – Romans 14:16-18 (NLT)


John has been coming with us for almost a year now.  He is one of our primary van drivers and helped us make the garden at Aunt Mollie’s. 


“John Latty with Jesus Was Homeless, out every Thursday, trying to find new people, new places, for people that are in extended stay motels.  It’s a great thing to do.


As I said earlier, it’s been a whirlwind the past few weeks.  You could try to tell me that God does not have a sense of humor and I would tell you that you don’t know God.  At our last BBQ, I had a gentleman ask me if I would marry he and his finance there at Motel 9.  After I explained to him that I was not a pastor and had never performed a wedding, I agreed.  In the state of Missouri you do not have to be an ordained minister.  Anyhow, I thought to myself that I should be pretty good at performing marriages, since I’ve been married myself 3 times.  Getting married didn’t seem to be the hard part, staying that way was.  Amy and I met with the couple, Quentin Wiegel & Heather Rauchenberger, before the big day and shared some of things we’ve learned and failed at about marriage.  Then on Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010 and in the 101 degree heat, I pronounced them Mr. & Mrs. Wiegel.  And God doesn’t have a sense of humor, HA! 
Mr. & Mrs. Wiege

Motel 9 – June 23rd, 2010

Wedding Party

Wedding Party

Wedding Officiant

Wedding Officiant


The garden at Aunt Mollie’s Extended Stay Motel continues to thrive.  We got to hear from Tom last week as he came down from his motel room to share some things about the garden with us.  It was so cool to see the excitement he has for the garden.  He was showing everyone the watermelons that were growing and gave Amy a ripe tomato.  He was very thankful for us building it for them.  I think God would be proud of him and the residents there for taking ownership and care of the garden.  I’m so excited to have our August “Love Your Neighbors” BBQ there as we will get to share in the “fruits of the garden”.


To Branson Landing for inviting us to participate in the annual “Clown Around”. 
To Sir Speedy of Branson for continuing to provide our flyers week after week.
To McDonalds for donating the sandwich buns that have helped provide almost 20,000 meals.
To KRZK for having us on the “Steve & Janet” Show whenever possible.  Click here to watch and listen to the latest interview.
To the many volunteers that have made Jesus Was Homeless a true Branson “Community” organization.


God has been working on my heart for a while now to bring the “church” to the people.  A lot of the folks we talk with are looking for guidance, hope, love and direction but they are not going to walk thru a church door.  Unfortunately the message has been sent loud and clear that they need to clean up and then come to church.  Well we are going to accept people where they are and how they are in a “small group” setting.   We are still trying to listen to God direct us to the right location/motel but hope to have something nailed down soon.  We are going to try a 6 week get together to discuss real life issues with folks and explore the answers through Christianity.  If you would like more information on becoming a part of the “Life Support” let us know.  We are hoping to have leaders step up and help facilitate as it grows.  With God’s blessing we would then take it to several motels.




Thank you to those that have donated and  to those that continue to support this out-reach.  With no salaries to pay and no building costs to manage we are able to put 100% back into serving others.  

We have some good news and of course some bad news.  The good news is that we were finally accepted into Ozarks Food Harvest, the bad news is that we have been delivering 390 meals and still running out without adding any additional motels.  It will take some time before we will really see the full benefit of OFH.  Below is our food items & costs. 
Do you know a business that might be willing to make a monthly commitment to help?  If you have read our past blogs you know it’s not as much about the food as it is about carrying the message of Christ.  You can see we are making a difference in those that we serve as well as the ones serving.
Our friends over at Sight & Sound Theatres have pledged $1.00 from every ticket sold to their show for one week in November.  This will be a HUGE blessing for us!!!  More details to follow but this is a great idea for a way to help support us.
As you know, Amy & I both work full-time jobs so any type of fundraising has to be a commitment that others can help share the load on. 



If you have someone or something that you would like prayer for please email it to us and we will be sure to include it in our Prayer Requests.
Jermaine – This is Euetta’s son.  He was in a car wreck and has a severe head injury.
Franklin – He lives in a motel and we would ask for prayer to restore his marriage and family
Abby Lewis & Family – Her grandmother had a stroke.
Suzette Brawner – Suzette’s dad is battling cancer.
My mom & dad, Tom & Carol Stallings – My dad had yet another surgery on his ankle.  This time it was a skin graft to help heal the wound of the previous 2 surgeries.
Bryan & Amy Stallings – We currently have our house for sale and would love prayer around if it is God’s will for it to sell.  We are wanting to do more in ministry but feel that having a mortgage payment makes it difficult to make a career change.
Life Support – That God will reveal a location soon.


We are in current need of the
following items:
Groups, organizations, kids – to color and put smiley faces on our bags that we deliver our “Happy Meals” in.  Please contact us to help.  They come in packages of 500.
Businesses to sponsor a food item – If restaurants would just order 1 case of an item off our food list (see Resource page on our website) each week we could serve more of those in need.
Dessert Food Items – We really need these for our weekly meals.
Shaving Cream – We need these items for our monthly 
Razors                    toiletry bags.
Large Print NLT Bibles
Small 2 Person Tents
$25 Grocery Cards


Simple Church: Returning to God’s Process for Making Disciples
by Thom S. Rainer by B&H Books
List Price: $19.99
Our Price: $10.99
Buy Now
Good book about how to simplify your church.  When too many programs are too much.  Explains how a vibrant church moves people horizontally to grow spiritually and become disciples. 
unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and Why It Matters
by David Kinnaman by Baker Books
List Price: $18.99
Our Price: $5.80
Buy Now
Incredible and credible book about what the un-Christian thinks about Christians.  Written by the President of the leading Christian research organization The Barna Group.  The data doesn’t lie about the “make-over” we Christians need to do.  Visit and check out their research.
The Way of Jesus: Re-Forming Spiritual Communities in a Post-Church Age
by Toby Jones by Resource Publications
List Price: $18.00
Our Price: $17.00
Buy Now
Awesome book about what the future of “Church” will look like.  Toby Jones is spot on in this book about why people are fleeing the church yet searching for God.  Read about Toby at
Same Kind of Different As Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together
by Ron Hall by Thomas Nelson
List Price: $14.99
Our Price: $6.95
Buy Now
Great book about an affluent couple that comes alongside a homeless man and builds a relationship that will inspire you. 
What Every Church Member Should Know about Poverty
by Bill Ehlig by aha! Process, Inc.
List Price: $22.00
Our Price: $21.00
Buy Now
If your church congregation wants to get involved with the poor or those living on the margins this is a must have book.  You will learn about the “hidden rules” of poverty.
Not Just a One-Night Stand: Ministry with the Homeless
by John Flowers by Discipleship Resources
Perfect Paperback
List Price: $14.00
Our Price: $10.73
Buy Now
Fantastic book about a church that learned the only way to be a hand-up instead of a hand-out was to build long-term lasting relationships with those living in poverty and on the margins.
Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity
by Adam Hamilton by Abingdon Press
List Price: $10.00
Our Price: $4.50
Buy Now
Great tips on how we should be looking at “stuff and money”. To learn more about Adam Hamilton visit
No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come-as-You-Are Culture in the Church
by John Burke by Zondervan
List Price: $14.99
Our Price: $1.78
Buy Now
This book is written by the pastor of Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. It is designed for those that want to become leaders within their church but I think it’s a good read for anyone that wants to learn how to meet people where they are in life. Visit Gateway at
The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical
by Shane Claiborne by Zondervan
List Price: $14.99
Our Price: $5.83
Buy Now
This is by far my favorite all-time book. It’s about a guy who decribes finding God among the poor. It’s all about intentional living. To learn more about Shane Claiborne visit his website at


Please join us for our next “Love Your Neighbors” (as yourself) BBQ Event – At Hillbilly Inn on W. Hwy. 76 across from Mazzios Pizza, Sunday, July 11th from 4-6 PM.  Bring a dessert item if you would like and share in this free and fun event celebrating the true spirit of “community”.  Break down the walls that society has built and experience life with someone that lives on the margins.  There will be food and games for the kids as we cook-out.  This will be a great opportunity to build relationships with someone new.  Bring your swimsuit as the pool is open.  See all the photos from our June BBQ on our Facebook page. 
(If anyone has connections with an ice cream man it would be awesome to have free ice cream available, and a dunk tank, and a bubble machine, and….)
Motel 9 BBQ that was held June 6th, 2010


Volunteer – Every Thursday morning or night. 
Donate – Financially, food, services – without this we can’t carry the message.
Buy a T-Shirt – Help spread awareness and financial support
Invite us to speak – We will come to your group or organization to share what we do.
Provide feedback – Through your comments or suggestions we can create change.
Follow us – On Facebook & Twitter and invite your friends.
Forward us – The website, emails, events. You never know what might happen.
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY – Prayer for God to always be in front that we may be folllowers.


Jesus Was Homeless
Amy Stallings – 417.335.0266
Bryan Stallings – 417.294.1300
[email protected]