
10 For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 (NLT)
Shelby is a Branson High School student that comes with us on Thursday nights to help feed meals to those in need. “Hey my name’s Shelby and I go to Branson High School and I deliver food on Thursday nights to bring smiles to people’s faces that don’t always have people to do that for them.

Abby Lewis and her family – Against the Enemies’ attacks.
Jodelle Fitzwater – Her friends, Justin and Stefanie Boyce have two beautiful children who have both been diagnosed with MPS III, Sanfilippo Syndrome which is a rare genetic disorder that causes the body to slowly lose its ability to function.
Suzette and Jim Brawner – Jim’s brother Joe and Suzette’s dad are both battling cancer.
My friend Steve from school – He just relocated and is struggling.
My mom & dad, Tom & Carol Stallings – My dad had ankle surgery and has to be down for at least 3-4 weeks. If you know my dad he’s struggling with this, so if you know my mom then you know why she’ll need prayer too.
IRRESISTIBLE REVOLUTION: Living as an Ordinary Radical by Shane Claiborne
This is so far my favorite all-time book. It’s about a guy who decribes finding God among the poor. It’s all about intentional living. To learn more about Shane Claiborne visit his website at

This book is written by the pastor of Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. It is designed for those that want to become leaders within their church but I think it’s a good read for anyone that wants to learn how to meet people where they are in life. Visit Gateway at

Great tips on how we should be looking at “stuff and money”. To learn more about Adam Hamilton visit

Fantastic book about a church that learned the only way to be a hand-up instead of a hand-out was to build long-term lasting relationships with those living in poverty and on the margins.
Aunt Mollie’s Garden Day – Calling all “Green Thumbs” we need your help. Please join us Saturday, April 24th at 9:00 am as we begin to work planting and spreading dirt for the garden at Aunt Mollie’s Extended Stay Motel. Even if you can only join us for a short time please come and experience “fellowship and community” with those that live there. Aunt Mollie’s is located at 251 Expressway Lane by the Sight & Sound Theatre.
“Love Your Neighbors” BBQ Event – Join us for this free and fun event celebrating the true spirit of “community”. Share life with someone that lives on the margins. There will be food and games for the kids as we cook-out at the Payless Inn parking lot on W. Hwy 76 (Across from Rib Crib)
Faith Promise Banquet – We’re excited about the opportunity to share the experiences of Church Army Branson at their 8th Annual Faith Promise Banquet to be held on Friday, May 7th, 2010 at 6:00 PM at Our Lady of the Lake Parish Center. Hear real stories from real people that have struggled for years with alcohol and chemical addiction and how God’s tranforming power has led them to being RECOVERED. For more infomation or to make your reservations by contact Michelle Harllee at 417.339.3804 or [email protected]
Thanks to everyone that responded. We had overwhelming agreement about the new look. I just needed to fix some cosmetic things like colors and font sizes. Have a blessed week!!
Amy Stallings – 417.335.0266
[email protected]