Still Need Thanksgiving Items

Dear Friend,

Help make our 3rd Annual “Love Your Neighbors” Thanksgivng Day Dinner a success by donating items that we can put into “care bags”.  These bags will be given to those in need during our evening dinner.  We are currently in need of coats, hats, gloves, blankets, deodorant, razors, shaving cream, tooth brushes and tooth paste. 


You can drop off items at the CenturyLink store on Hwy 248, in the Gretna Plaza, next to Tijuana Willies, or you can call Amy at 335-0266 to make arrangements for pick-up.  You can also drop coats off at Comet Cleaners in Branson.

3rd Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner

If you wish to help serve during our Thanksgiving Dinner you can contact Bob Johnson at 937-546-1219 or email him at [email protected].  
I promise he will put you where you can use your gifts best at.

You can mail a tax-deductible donation to Jesus Was Homeless, 176 Summerbrooke Lane, Branson, MO  65616


You can donate to our Ozarks Food Harvest account at 417-865-3411



Due to the over-whelming success of the past Thanksgiving Dinners we’ve relocated this year’s event to the Branson United Methodist Church on Hwy 76 across from Mazzio’s.  Volunteers can arrive at 3:00 pm, doors will open at 5:30 pm and dinner will be served at 6:30 pm. 

Additional Ways To Serve

There are lots of additonal ways you can get plugged in with Jesus Was Homeless.  We have volunteer opportunities in the following areas:

Thursday Morning Meal Making, Decorating Bags, Picking Food Up in Springfield, Thursday Evening Meal Delivery, BBQ’s, Leading Life Support Discussion Groups, Cordinating Service Projects, Providing Child Care at Life Support, Providing Meals for Life Support, Marketing/Design, Selling T-Shirts, Fund-raising,  Arranging Speaking Opportunities, and most importantly, Prayer. 

If you have a gift that you would like to use or would like to become involved please contact us at [email protected] or call Amy at 417-335-0266


45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.
                                                   – Mark 10:45 (NLT)


Bryan & Amy Stallings  
Jesus Was Homeless
[email protected]