We Are Thankful!

Dear Friends,

We are so thankful to you for this past year of volunteering, donating and the many, many things you’ve done for us.  As we approach our 3rd annual Thanksgiving Day dinner I would ask that in these tough and challenging economic times that instead of pinching your pennies, that you give twice as much to those in need.  Whether you give to us or to your church or favorite charity, give more and be THANKFUL with what God has provided you, it’s really all his anyway.


Bryan & Amy Stallings


We are excited to announce that we will begin a 2nd Life Support Discussion Group at Good Shepherd Inn beginning December 1st.  We are so blessed and anxious to see where God takes all of this.  Our first service project with our Life Support Group will be November 27th, passing out Krispy Kreme donuts and bottles of water to those visiting Branson.  What an incredible way to show the love of Jesus with those living on the margins!!  Just think how powerful it will be for our community when the ones being served, become the ones serving in our community. 

Qualifications to be part of the Life Support Group are any of the following:

Broken – Tired – Poor – Porn Addict – Smoker – Drinker – Not Good Enough – Messy – Questioning God – Imperfect – Ashamed – Willing – Searching For Answers – Don’t Know God – Lonely – Rich – Unhappy – Straight – Gay – Judgmental – Drug Addict – And many, many more!  COME AS YOU ARE……….

To volunteer to be part of the upcoming service project, or if you have a project you would like volunteers for, or to volunteer with Life Support or more information about Life Support please contact Bryan at 417-294-1300 or email [email protected].


Mark your calendar for Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00 p.m. at Our Lady of the Lake Parish Center for the sign-up night for Loaves & Fishes 2011.


Last year, 1,490 volunteers served 8,388 guests and prepared 4,193 to-go boxes, and we need your help for Loaves & Fishes 2011.  We need 73 teams of 8-12 people to “take a night” by planning a healthy menu, purchasing the food, preparing the food to Health Department standards, serving the food, and cleaning on a specific night  between January 3rd and March 16th.  This is a wonderful time to serve neighbors in need in our community.  We hope to not only provide a warm meal, but we also hope to reach people with the love of Christ.   


If you are interested in other volunteer opportunities, we are looking for help to assist Dee Klein, who is at Loaves & Fishes most nights, by taking a night or two each week, or you simply want to help in some way, please call Dee at 335-4599.


Christ is the builder of our community and has called us to serve those in need.  Loaves & Fishes is powerful example of the Body of Christ working together, and your support of time, talent, and/or treasure is greatly appreciated.


Thankful for you!

Sue Head

As we go into the holidays please give of your time, energy and finances more than just this one time of year.  People need YOU all year long.  Feel free to contact us with any questions about how to volunteer with us and serve those right here in our own community.
May Grace and Peace be with you,

Bryan & Amy Stallings
Jesus Was Homeless