Amazing Night That Started During The Day

I just knew it was going to be an amazing night when my day was filled with several phone calls about Jesus Was Homeless.  I love being able to share what God is doing with this out-reach, that when I do, my passion about the problem of homelessness and hunger in our community begins to pour out of me.  I don’t think that’s what the caller expects to hear about, especially if it’s a wrong number (lol).

When I got to Church Army tonight to begin putting sandwiches in the bags, my friend Clyde, offered to help.  It was awe-inspiring to see him willing and wanting to help.  Clyde has struggled with addiction off and on but this time I’m seeing God begin to transform him and his heart, it’s so awesome to witness.  Just that simple offer to help made such an impact on me, that I wonder if I do it enough.  We have said all along that this is our “communities” out-reach.  That it’s not mine or Amy’s or any one church, that it’s for whoever wants to serve.  I think people are really starting to embrace that now.  It’s so exciting to get phone calls or conversations from people saying “I talked to so and so and they want to help out”, or “so and so that I know wants to buy the chips this week”.  I tell you I am constantly blown away by the folks at these motels.  I talk about wanting to do “community” but they live it.  One motel had several residents that had pooled their groceries together and were all sitting around a table having dinner together.  Another motel was having karaoke together and yet, another had just fired up the grill to begin a bbq.  This is week in and week out.  I know we don’t do that on a regular basis with our neighbors, do you?

I was so honored tonight and yet so out of my element and comfort zone.  I met a gentleman a few weeks back at one of the motels and over the course of the last few weeks have always made it a point to talk with him.  Tonight he called to see if I was coming because he was depressed and struggling with a teenage son that was being disrespectful.  I was very honored that he called me of all people but felt so unqualified to be able to offer any advice.  But what God led me to do was listen and pray with him.  I don’t know about you but I find it so humbling when God chooses me to be the one to do that.  It’s like Garth in the movie Wayne”s World, “I don’t feel worthy”.  But as God does, he shows me something.  Our friend Carmen who’s been coming with us now for several weeks and has this HUGE heart for people (she wants to save them all) was so excited tonight because she got to lead and pray for some people.  Now if you knew Carmen you would know this is totally out of her comfort zone, much like me, but her excitement and enthusiam for what God led her to do got her so past the uncomfortableness.  Seeing that excitement in Carmen gave me ease that God works us through our uncomfortableness.

We delivered over 320 meals tonight and still ran out before we were through.  Just think, there are over 35 weekly or extended stay motels and we are only able to reach 15.  I still continued to hear a lot of requests for Loaves & Fishes, especially the bus, no pressure Abby, so start making plans if you’re not already.  If you go to church and even if you don’t, but want to do something or you want to be involved in your church more but it just doesn’t offer the right fit or you just don’t know what you want (check our wish list page)…I invite you to “come and see” with us every Thursday night.