Our children are our future. Our children are our future. Our children are our future. Let me say it again so it really sinks in.
Our. Children. Are. Our. Future.
This is something we hear so often that we tend to simply brush it off, but let’s take a moment to really think about this. We’ve talked about the cycle of poverty and how many adults become trapped because they can’t get a job that pays living wages; therefore, they can’t afford permanent housing, healthy foods, or proper clothing. They live paycheck to paycheck, never able to save enough to work towards a better future. However, many don’t realize that this cycle often begins from childhood.
Children who are brought up in poverty often don’t receive meals and proper nutrition outside of school. This causes them to go hungry, which affects their performance in schoolwork. Low grades can often make it difficult for students to be accepted into higher education and makes them unmotivated to even try, so they settle for low wage jobs and the cycle begins all over again.
The only way for us to fix this problem is to address the family as a whole. We can’t just focus on helping the parents; we have to meet the needs of the children as well.
According to the United States Census Bureau:
- An estimated 24.6% of children in Taney County lived in households where the income was below poverty level in 2017.
- An estimated 32.8% of the children living in Taney County were determined to be living in households with Supplemental Security Income, cash public assistance income, or Food Stamp/SNAP benefits.
According to the October 2018 report on Free & Reduced Enrollment by the Missouri Department of Elementary & Secondary Education:
- 4,701 students in Taney County enrolled for free meals at school.
- 915 students in Taney County enrolled for reduced meals at school.
- 59.9% of students in Taney County enrolled for Free & Reduced meals.

If these children are going to break the cycle, then we have to be able to provide the tools and resources necessary for them to succeed.
Download the free PDF below to find ways that you can help support the children in our area and give them a second chance at a better future.
3 Ways To Help Our Local Kids In Poverty