“Three weeks ago I walked all the way to Elevate Branson from the Taney County jail. I was homeless and lost everything while I was locked up. I didn’t have a phone, legal documents, or any personal support. My mission was to get myself more established with a secure job and a place to stay. I’m excited to announce that I will be starting my new job next week at the Elevate Thrift Store! I’ll also be doing maintenance on the Elevate Rides scooters. My life has done a complete 180 in only three weeks. I now have all my documents, a job, a place to stay, and support from my community at Elevate Branson. If you ever hit rock bottom and feel like there’s no hope, I believe Elevate can change your life. They’re here to help as long as you are ready to help yourself.”
We’re proud of David and the strides he’s taking toward reaching his full potential.