15  “I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other!  16 But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth! – Revelation 3:15-16 (NLT)

Grace & Authenticity

Over 13,500 meals have been delivered or served so far this year ALL by volunteers.  Sometimes I can get caught up in the numbers.  But what do they mean if we don’t show people what a Christian can actually look like?  I am constantly reminded that it’s not about the numbers but that it’s about the number, one.
One person, one God, one opportunity to be authentic, one chance to show grace.  Amy and I had that chance last week.  We met a guy at one of our motel stops that was broken, hurting and in a spiritual battle.  We talked for over an hour about life, our failures, our struggles, and our God.  We were able to share our recent lesson from Life Support with him, that “there is nothing we have ever done or will do that can separate us from God’s love, nothing.”  By the time we were done we had a new friend and someone, that by God’s grace, had a little hope.
So you see, it’s not about the number served, or the number that volunteer, or the financial numbers, or the number that sit in the Sunday service, it’s about the number, one.  You can be the one each week that makes a difference in somebody’s life by being authentic and by being “grace”.  I invite you to “Come and See” each week with us.  I promise that we will give you plenty of opportunity to be the “one” by being the church, the body, the hands and the feet of Jesus.  But be ready because it just may change one’s life, yours. 
38 And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.  Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow-not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.  39 No power in the sky above or in the earth below-indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.  – Romans 8:38-39 


If I had one wish that was granted to me, it would be to let others experience the joy that I get to experience when God presents the opportunity to share love, hope and friendship with someone who is truly broken.  Last week, during our meal delivery time, Bryan and I came across a man who had been observing us for quite some time and with God orchestrating this diving appointment, our paths crossed and we were able to listen, care, share and pray with this man.  He shared hurts so deep and real that I truly felt his pain with him.  Maybe that sounds strange but I believe that God allows us to love the lost to give us a tiny glimpse as to how much He loves us.  I pray that this is the beginning of a new friendship with this man along with many others that God continues to bring our way through this wonderful tool called Jesus Was Homeless.  Please come with us and experience for yourselves how through loving and caring for others how much your life will change forever.  


We need you on September 23rd, 2010, from 8:30 am – 2:30 pm & 5:30 pm – 9:30 pm at Church Army Branson, 501 S. 5th Street, to help us survey and count those living in weekly stay and extended stay motels.  Our hope is that after the survey’s are completed and the data is analyzed that we will be able to make a case for applying for numerous grants to bring much needed services such as transportation, rental assistance and affordable housing to those living in motels.  There will be a training and information night at CenturyLink on September 21st from 6:30-7:30 pm. 
Project Homeless Connect can use your help for this one day event September 24th, 2010.  There are various shift times and volunteer duties available.  Visit www.projecthomelessconnectbranson.com for more information and volunteer registration.  See where you can use your gifts.


Our LIFE SUPPORT group has been fantastic.  I could never of dreamed what God has been able to do with this group.  It has been life changing to help change the perception of Christians through actions of love.  We are now in the process of forming additional groups.  If you have a heart to lead, teach or disciple others we want you to become a part of LIFE SUPPORT.  If you would like more information on becoming a part of LIFE SUPPORT please contact us at [email protected].  




The Branson Junior High National Honor Society recently organized a collection of several hundred sports drinks and snack cakes for Jesus Was Homeless.  Principle Bronn (far right) encouraged the kids to pick an organization here in our community that helps others.  The collection took part during the students Character week.


Our friends over at Sight & Sound Theatres have pledged $1.00 from every ticket sold to their show for one week in November.  This will be a HUGE blessing for us!!!  More details to follow but this is a great idea for a way to help support us.  Do you know anyone that could do the same?
Below is a list of our monthly food items & costs.  Do you know a business that might be willing to make a monthly commitment to help?  If you have read our past blogs you know it’s not as much about the food as it is about carrying the message of Christ.  You can see we are making a difference in those that we serve as well as the ones serving.



A great big THANK YOU to the kids at the Boys & Girls Club of the Ozarks for decorating 500 of our “Happy Meal” bags with smiley faces and original art work.  Because of their efforts we could focus on other needs.  If you or your organization would like to help decorate our bags please contact us.  



The August BBQ at Aunt Mollie’s was a huge success and a lot of fun.  We saw new faces, made new relationships and even ate some of the food that was grown in the garden.  What an honor and privilege it is to be able to cookout, feed and serve those living in the motels.


We are in current need of the following items:
We need 4 RESTAURANTS/Individuals a month to help sponsor our Life Support by providing food on Wednesday evenings for about 15-20 people.  If you can help or know someone that can please call me at 294-1300 for more information.
We desperately need 20 Large Print, NLT Life Application Study Bibles for our Life Support.
We are in need of another 12-15 passenger van to start a 3rd route.
A chest freezer. 


These are books that I have personally read and recommend.  I know how valuable your time is and I would not recommend a book if I didn’t believe it could have an impact on you.  If you are interested in BEING the church then these are must reads. 
by George Barna by Tyndale House Publishers
List Price: $17.99
Our Price: $11.27
Millions of believers have stopped going to church…and chosen to be the church instead.  Research by renowned pollster George Barna points to a hidden Revolution-one that will impact every Christian believer in America. Millions of committed Christ-followers, dissatisfied with the church experience, have stopped attending on Sunday mornings.  Why are they leaving?  Where are they going? And what does this mean for the future of the church? 
Compassion, Justice and the Christian Life: Rethinking Ministry to the Poor
by Robert D. Lupton by Regal Books
List Price: $11.99
Our Price: $6.15
Buy Now
This book is identifies our lack of the church in our “community”.  It also addresses the need for our teachers, city leaders, etc. to live and work in their own communities.  How we can empower those in need to earn the hand-outs so that we can help them improve their lives.
Living Dangerously: Seven Keys to Intentional Discipleship
by Shawn D. Anderson by Wipf & Stock Publishers
List Price: $19.00
Our Price: $17.10
Buy Now
This book makes it clear that God called us to become disciples and to make disciples.  Not to just sit in church until our time is up but to Love God, Love Others and carry the message.
Grow Your Church from the Outside in: Understanding the Unchurched and How to Reach Them
by George Barna by Regal Books
List Price: $12.99
Our Price: $7.49
Buy Now
Another fantastic book from the Barna Group.  How to get outside the church doors and reach those that are church damaged and show them a new vision of Christianity.  Incredible statistics that should move you outside.
Simple Church: Returning to God’s Process for Making Disciples
by Thom S. Rainer by B&H Books
List Price: $19.99
Our Price: $11.00
Buy Now
Good book about how to simplify your church.  When too many programs are too much.  Explains how a vibrant church moves people horizontally to grow spiritually and become disciples. 
unChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks about Christianity… and Why It Matters
by David Kinnaman by Baker Books
List Price: $18.99
Our Price: $8.00
Buy Now
Incredible and credible book about what the un-Christian thinks about Christians.  Written by the President of the leading Christian research organization The Barna Group.  The data doesn’t lie about the “make-over” we Christians need to do.  Visit http://www.barna.org and check out their research. 
The Way of Jesus: Re-Forming Spiritual Communities in a Post-Church Age
by Toby Jones by Resource Publications
List Price: $18.00
Our Price: $16.36
Awesome book about what the future of “Church” will look like.  Toby Jones is spot on in this book about why people are fleeing the church yet searching for God.  Read about Toby at http://www.booksandbridges.com/index.php or visit his blog at http://faith4tomorrow.blogspot.com
Same Kind of Different As Me: A Modern-Day Slave, an International Art Dealer, and the Unlikely Woman Who Bound Them Together
by Ron Hall by Thomas Nelson
List Price: $14.99
Our Price: $7.24
Buy Now
Great book about an affluent couple that comes alongside a homeless man and builds a relationship that will inspire you.  
What Every Church Member Should Know about Poverty
by Bill Ehlig by aha! Process, Inc.
List Price: $25.00
Our Price: $25.00
If your church congregation wants to get involved with the poor or those living on the margins this is a must have book.  You will learn about the “hidden rules” of poverty.
Not Just a One-Night Stand: Ministry with the Homeless
by John Flowers by Discipleship Resources
Perfect Paperback
List Price: $14.00
Our Price: $9.45
Fantastic book about a church that learned the only way to be a hand-up instead of a hand-out was to build long-term lasting relationships with those living in poverty and on the margins. 
Enough: Discovering Joy through Simplicity and Generosity
by Adam Hamilton by Abingdon Press
List Price: $10.00
Our Price: $4.99
Buy Now
Great tips on how we should be looking at “stuff and money”. To learn more about Adam Hamilton visit http://www.adamhamilton.cokesbury.com 
No Perfect People Allowed: Creating a Come-as-You-Are Culture in the Church
by John Burke by Zondervan
List Price: $14.99
Our Price: $5.13
Buy Now
This book is written by the pastor of Gateway Church in Austin, Texas. It is designed for those that want to become leaders within their church but I think it’s a good read for anyone that wants to learn how to meet people where they are in life. Visit Gateway at http://www.gatewaychurch.com
The Irresistible Revolution: Living as an Ordinary Radical
by Shane Claiborne by Zondervan
List Price: $14.99
Our Price: $6.96
This is by far my favorite all-time book. It’s about a guy who decribes finding God among the poor. It’s all about intentional living. To learn more about Shane Claiborne visit his website at http://www.thesimpleway.org 


Volunteer – Every Thursday morning or night. 
Donate – Financially, food, services – without this we can’t carry the message.
Buy a T-Shirt – Help spread awareness and financial support
Invite us to speak – We will come to your group or organization to share what we do.
Provide feedback – Through your comments or suggestions we can create change.
Follow us – On Facebook & Twitter and invite your friends.
Forward us – The website, emails, events. You never know what might happen.
PRAY, PRAY, PRAY – Prayer for God to always be in front that we may be folllowers.


Jesus Was Homeless
Amy Stallings – 417.335.0266
Bryan Stallings – 417.294.1300
[email protected]