Branson Tornado Recovery
It was a crazy week in Branson with the tornado that struck just over a week ago but things are up and running again. Our new location suffered very minimal damage so we’ve been out helping those affected. On Thursday night we delivered close to 600 “Happy Meals”. On Friday and Saturday we partnered with CenturyLink and cooked out in the Wal-Mart parking lot for volunteers, utility workers and tornado victims providing over 400 hamburgers, 160 hotdogs and 100 toiletry bags. On Sunday we delivered over 175 sack lunch meals that were donated to us. We had a tremendous amount of support, volunteers and community spirit. Check out all the photos of the 2 day cookout on our Facebook page and notice all the smiles from the volunteers. I think they were having too much fun loving and hugging on people!
Tornado Recovery?
Individuals who need assistance may register at the Chamber by calling 417-243-2161, or via email at [email protected]. Volunteers are welcomed and AmeriCorps is currently collecting information from those who are able to help. Interested individuals can email [email protected] or sign up at