Another Amazing Night of Community
Another Amazing Night of Community God continues to amaze me.  He just never fails to show up.  We meet...
501c3 is Official
501c3 is Official It’s official…We are now a 501c3 non-profit organization!  We received our letter on...
Amazing Night That Started During The Day
Amazing Night That Started During The Day I just knew it was going to be an amazing night when my day...
7000 Happy Meals and Counting
7000 Happy Meals and Counting We reached the 7000 meal mark last night.  That could never have been done...
*DID YOU KNOW….* 1.  The unemployment rate for Branson in August was 8.2% vs. 5.4% in August of 2008....
Rain, Sleet or Snow, JWH Will Go
Rain, Sleet or Snow, JWH Will Go Well it rained on us again during this week’s Thursday night meal delivery...
Drug-free, alcohol-free barbecue scheduled in Branson
Drug-free, alcohol-free barbecue scheduled in Branson Church Army of Branson and Jesus Was Homeless will...
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Thanksgiving 2014 Update
Thanksgiving 2014 Update THANK YOU! You helped us serve 900...
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Hurry You Still Have Time
Hurry You Still Have Time’s...
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It’s Not Too Late To Help This Thanksgiving
It’s Not Too Late To Help This Thanksgiving
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