Change Someone’s Life TOGETHER. SHAPING THE FUTURE. ONE JOB AT A TIME. What is a champion and what...
JOBS for LIFE “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him...
NEWS & NOTES A look back at the past year of 2012 Thank You We are so grateful for the role you...
Changed Lives As we get ready to enter our 5th year of delivering/serving meals to those that our hurting,...
Changing Lives One Meal At A Time Dear Friends, Jesus Was Homeless is not just about providing food,...
Supermarket Sweep Thanksgiving Excitement Dear Friends, Watch the exciting conclusion of the Supermarket...
5th Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner Dear Friends, Watch as Bryan & Amy go head to head to collect...
5th Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner Dear Friends, Please join us this Thanksgiving as we love and hug...
Over 30,000 Meals Served So Far So far in 2012, January thru September we have delivered or served more...
QUIT PLAYING IT SAFE 23 Are they servants of Christ? (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more....