Courtney’s Story
Courtney, at age 24, began the Elevate Work program at the suggestion of her grandmother. Courtney had lived isolated in her home since leaving school her sophomore year. As…
Courtney, at age 24, began the Elevate Work program at the suggestion of her grandmother. Courtney had lived isolated in her home since leaving school her sophomore year. As…
I came to Branson from St. Louis at 32 years old. I sought help for my addiction from Standing By The Door, and I also came down to care for my aging father. Although I worked for…
Before Elevate Work I was doing nothing. I was working as a housekeeper and stagnant in my growth. What I found most valuable in Elevate Work was creating an action plan. I had…
Troy and Melissa are graduates of both our Elevate Work and our Elevate Entrepreneurs program. Their story is a testament to how people can find healing and increase their quality of life through gaining access to a supportive community. Watch their story below.
Marquis is an Elevate Work graduate, and likely a familiar face if you’ve stopped by for a pizza or salad at Neighbors Hub during the week. Watch his story of continued transformation below.
Meet Jennifer, Intake Supervisor at Standing By The Door Ministries. Jennifer completed the Elevate Work program in March of this year, and has used the skills she gained at Elevate Work to further her success in the workplace. Jennifer is currently working at a program that has served her in the past, and she carries the message to those she works with that “there is hope and a solution!” Jennifer also benefited from our Computer Literacy course, where she learned how to utilize Excel and all of its functions to help accomplish her work more efficiently. Jennifer is one of many Elevate Work graduates excelling in the workforce, and we’re excited to see the stories of progress – just like Jennifer’s – that come from our currently enrolled students post-graduation.
Misty is an Elevate Work graduate who committed herself to the class in order to increase her potential and explore her employment options. Watch her story below.
After a year of back and forth communication and confusing logistics, our Elevate Connections staff were able to help our friend and neighbor Abraham receive his passport and other important identification documents so that he can finally travel back home to Jamaica to be with his mother while she’s sick. Abraham’s belongings were stolen a while back, leaving him without the documentation he needed to reach his potential in our community – not to mention leaving him without the ability to go home. Can you imagine being stuck, with no direction or understanding of how to navigate the confusing maze of paperwork, documentation, phone calls and other logistics needed to secure your own identification certificates? Unfortunately, this is relatively common for individuals in our community. Thanks to our Elevate Connections team and Abraham’s patience and determination, Abraham can take next steps and finally be reunited with his mother in his home country.
MEET OUR NEIGHBOR, DAVID “Three weeks ago I walked all the way to Elevate Branson from the Taney County jail. I was homeless and lost everything while I was locked up. I didn’t have a phone, legal documents, or any personal support. My mission was to get myself more established with a secure job and a place to stay. I’m excited to announce that I will be starting my new job next week at the Elevate Thrift Store! I’ll also be doing maintenance on the Elevate Rides scooters…
MEET OUR NEIGHBOR, MARCUS “My name is Marcus, and I’ve struggled with addiction since 2005. I woke up recently and realized that living in addiction isn’t the kind of life I want for myself. I don’t want to be homeless, or in jail or on drugs. Elevate Branson has helped me get my ID so